Interview with Listener


It was nice to have Nishal Prajapati, from Bhaktapur, with us at the AWR Studio for his wonderful testimony of God's Grace. When Nishal was very young his mother died, leaving two small children with their father. Nishal fell into bad company, and from very young age, (10yrs.) started smoking and later on starting drinking alcohol, quite his studies. He went deeper and deeper into the drugs and many other bad habits. When money was not there, he stole from others. Looting and gang fights did not become any new event for him. Some of his friends died of over dose, but some went to Church and had 2nd birth in Jesus.
Nishal found God in an amazing way, when he went to Church not to listen any sermon about the true God, but to hide himself from a bad gang who was running after him with knives to kill him. But God had another plan for him. He is now totally free from all his bad habits, he is born again. He listens to Aashakobani from local FM everyday, has become a very active initiator of AWR listener's club.



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